Key features of the HootDex OTC Swapping Desk include:
Peer-to-Peer transactions: Traders can interact directly with each other, facilitating private and secure swap orders. They can choose to communicate securely via ChatHive, which will be integrated as part of the OTC Swapping Desk.
Discreet and secure transactions: The service ensures that all transactions are discreet and securely stored in safekeeping until the buyer/digital asset owner decides to transfer them to their hot wallet.
Self-custody: The service operates without the involvement of intermediaries, allowing members to maintain control over their assets and transactions. This means that approved members simply need to connect their digital wallet to the platform to participate and disconnect when they are done. Their digital assets are always in their possession and not held by any central authority such as a centralized cryptocurrency exchange or custodial organization.
Deeper Liquidity and Customized Pricing: The HootDex OTC Swapping Desk provides deeper liquidity and customized pricing for larger transactions. This makes it an ideal solution for those requiring discretion and flexibility in their trading activities
No broader impact: Transactions are completed via the MVault on a peer-to-peer basis, this prevents OTC swaps from impacting the broader market in any way.