Wrapped BTC

Wrapped BTC – Symbol : xBTC

This token is a Wrapped BTC, it derives its pricing from a composite global pricing of Bitcoin in USD in real time. It represents the actual digital asset and all transactions occur on-chain on Pecu Novus. They are primarily used for staking protocols and volume will typically be thin.

What is a Wrapped Token?

A wrapped token is a digital asset that represents another cryptocurrency on a different blockchain or a physical asset. For example, a wrapped Bitcoin (xBTC) is a token that represents one Bitcoin on the Pecu Novus blockchain. Wrapped tokens are created by locking up the underlying asset in a smart contract on the original blockchain and then issuing a corresponding number of tokens on the new blockchain.
Wrapped tokens are useful because they allow users to interact with different blockchains and ecosystems. For example, xBTC allows users to trade Bitcoin on decentralized exchanges (DEXes) on the Pecu Novus blockchain such as HootDex, which would not be possible otherwise.
Wrapped tokens are also useful for staking protocols. For example, users can lend their xBTC on a DeFi platform on the Pecu Novus blockchain to earn fee’s or interest, or if available they can borrow xBTC to use in other DeFi applications on the Pecu Novus blockchain.

Here are some of the benefits of using wrapped tokens:

  • Interoperability: Wrapped tokens allow users to interact with different blockchains and ecosystems. This can be useful for trading, lending, borrowing, and other DeFi applications.
  • Efficiency: Wrapped tokens can be more efficient to use than native tokens on some blockchains. For example, xBTC transactions are processed faster and cheaper than Bitcoin transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain.
  • Security: Wrapped tokens are typically backed by the underlying asset in a smart contract. This makes them more secure than some other types of digital assets.